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Networking Basics
Routing Information Protocol
Networking Interview Questions
Routing Information Protocol Version 2

Networking Basics

1: What is the definition of a network?

** A network is a system of lines or channels that cross or interconnect, or a
group or system of electrical components and connecting circuitry designed to
function in a specific manner.

Networking Interview Questions

2: What are network models?

** Network models provide the guiding principles behind the development of
network standards.

3: What is a network standard, and why are there network standards?

** Network standards define the rules of network communication and are like
laws that must be followed for different equipment vendors to work together.

4: What is a proprietary feature?

** If a vendor implements a feature that does not adhere to any network
standards, it is called a proprietary feature.

5: What are the three data transmission modes, and how do they operate?

** Simplex mode, half-duplex mode, and full-duplex mode. Simplex mode is oneway communication only.
Half-duplex mode is two-way communication, but not at the same time. Full-duplex mode is simultaneous two-way communication.

6: List the major characteristics of a LAN.

** The primary characteristic of a LAN is its geographic coverage. LANs are

found in a small geographic area where there is a short distance between
connected computers, as in small offices or on each floor of a larger office
building. LANs enable the sharing of office resources, such as file servers for file
sharing among users or print servers for shared printers.

7: List the major characteristics of a MAN.

** MANs are found in a metropolitan, or citywide, geographic area,
interconnecting two or more office buildings in a broader geographic region than
a LAN would support, but not so broad that a WAN would be required.

8: List the major characteristics of a WAN.

** WANS are found in broad geographic areas, often spanning states and
countries, and are used to connect LANs and WANs together.

9: What are the three parts of a frame? What is a function of each part?

** Header, data (or payload), trailer. The header is the beginning of the frame,
significant in that the frame’s source and destination are found in the frame
header. The payload is the data part of the frame, the user’s information. The
trailer identifies the end of the frame.

10: What function in a network does cabling provide?

** Cabling provides the physical interconnection between network devices and nodes.

11: List some examples of user data.

** Examples of user data include e-mail, web-browsing traffic, word-processed
documents, spreadsheets, database updates.

12: What is the best definition of network topology?

** Network topology refers to the physical or logical geometric arrangement of
interconnected network devices.

13: What is the best definition of network protocol?

** A network protocol is the communication rules and formats followed by all
interconnected devices on a network requiring communication with one another.

14: What is the definition of network media?

** Network media refers to the physical component of a network. Communication
signals traverse network media from source to destination. Some examples of
network media are copper and fiber-optic cabling.

15: What is a network origination point?

** A network connection has two ends: the origination and termination points.
The origination point is the source of the data—the location from which the data
is being sent.

 16: What is a network termination point?

** A network connection has two ends: the origination and termination points.
The termination point is the destination of the data—the location to which the
data is being sent.



Routing Information Protocol

1:What port does RIP use?

* RIP uses UDP port 520.

2:What metric does RIP use? How is the metric used to indicate an
unreachable network?

* RIP uses a hop count metric. An unreachable network is indicated by setting
the hop count to 16, which RIP interprets as an infinite distance.

Routing Information Protocol

3:What is the update period for RIP?

* RIP sends periodic updates every 30 seconds minus a small random variable to
prevent the updates of neighboring routers from becoming synchronized.

4:How many updates must be missed before a route entry will be marked
as unreachable?

* A route entry is marked as unreachable if six updates are missed.

5:What is the purpose of the garbage collection timer?

* The garbage collection timer, or flush timer, is set when a route is declared
unreachable. When the timer expires, the route is flushed from the route table.
This process allows an unreachable route to remain in the routing table long
enough for neighbors to be notified of its status


Networking Interview Questions

CCNA Interview Questions with Answers

  1. Basic CCNA Interview questions with short answer
  2. Basic CCNA Job Interview Questions
  3. OSPF Interview Questions
  4. Routing Information Protocol Version
  5. Routing Information Protocol Version 2
  6. EIGRP Interview Questions
  7. Networking Basic 
  8. Networking Advanced 
  9. Layer 3 Switching 
  10. Autonomous System (AS)
  11. Why we use Trunk Port
  12. How many VLAN Create on Router
  13. Private IP Classes Range
  14. What is the difference between OSPF and RIP?
  15. what is Connection oriented and Connectionless

CCNP Interview Questions with Answers

  1. OSPF Interview Questions

Routing Information Protocol Version 2

1: Which three fields are new to the RIPv2 message format?

*** The Route Tag field, the Subnet Mask field, and the Next Hop field are RIPv2
extensions that do not exist in RIPv1 messages. The basic format of the RIP
message remains unchanged between the two versions; version 2 merely uses
fields that are unused in version 1.

ripv1 bs ripv2

2: Besides the extensions defined by the three fields of question 1, what
are the other two major changes from RIPv1?

***In addition to the functions that use the new fields, RIPv2 supports
authentication and multicast updates.

3: What is the multicast address used by RIPv2? What is the advantage of
multicasting messages over broadcasting them?

***RIPv2 uses the multicast address Multicasting of routing messages
is better than broadcasting because hosts and non-RIPv2 routers will ignore the
multicast messages .

4: What is the purpose of the Route Tag field in the RIPv2 message?

*** When another routing protocol uses the RIPv2 domain as a transit domain,
the protocol external to RIPv2 can use the Route Tag field to communicate
information to its peers on the other side of the RIPv2 domain.

5: What is the purpose of the Next Hop field?

*** The Next Hop field is used to inform other routers of a next-hop address on
the same multiaccess network that is metrically closer to the destination than the
originating router.

6: What is the UDP port number used by RIPv2?

***RIPv2 uses the same UDP port number as RIPv1, port number 520.

7: Which one feature must a routing protocol have to be a classless routing

***A classless routing protocol does not consider the major network address in its
route lookups, but just looks for the longest match.

8: Which one feature must a routing protocol have to use VLSM?

*** To support VLSM, a routing protocol must be able to include the subnet mask
of each destination address in its updates.

Rip vs OSPF

9: Which two types of authentication are available with Cisco’s RIPv2? Are
they both defined in RFC 1723?

*** Cisco’s implementation of RIPv2 supports clear-text authentication and MD5
authentication. Only clear-text authentication is defined in RFC 1723.


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